cellular & soulular healing, purification,
& awakening to assist in resurrecting your

Deep cellular purification,
healing & awakening to assist in resurrecting your

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Curanderismo + Mentorship + Breath + Sound + Prayer

ayahuascera Ceremonialist + Integration Coach & Mentor + Diamond Breathwork & Plasma Flow Guide

Guided by Spirit and grounded
in Neuropsychology

I work with the unconscious mind, bringing alchemical Light and Conscious Awareness to the shadow self for the transmutation of pain and suffering, to

peace & purpose

Weaving the ancient wisdoms of Amazonian plant medicine & Sophia christ consciousness

Having a modern understanding of the human psyche and quantum wellness, I assist others in melting away the many layers of cellular imprints of separation, fear and distortion within the physical, mental, emotional and spirit bodies for the healing, integration, and the remembrance of one’s Divine Truth, Sacred Sovereignty, Higher Purpose and Conscious Creation.

How we can work together

“The deeper you surrender, the more you are held.”
–Celeste palmer


3+ Month container

1:1 coaching & mentorship  to guide & support your healing, transformation & Awakening with sacred earth medicines

Sacred Medicine RETREATS

weaving the beautiful medicine of Ayahuasca with Sophia Christ Consciousness through expanded & depth-full group retreat experiences

Personally curated PLANT MEDICINE EXPERIEnces + protocols

traditional ceremony + private retreat experiences + plant Allyships & Personally Curated Medicine Protocols + Traditional Shamanic Dietas

Sacred Breath + Icaro Activation


60-minute virtual ceremony of Prayer, Breathwork, Sacred Sound & Light Code Transmission to assist in the healing and harmonization of your heart, mind, spirit and nervous system


Celeste Palmer

is a Christos Resurrection Guide, Integration Coach & Mentor, Sacred Sound and Cellular Alchemist and Devoted Student & carrier of Amazonian Curanderismo. Trained in the Amazon of Perú as an Ayahuascera Ceremonialist & Woman of Medicine, then certified as a Trauma informed Integration Coach, Astrologer, Yogic Movement, Meditation and Breath Guide, Celeste has long been on a quest to be in service to all through the weaving of ancient, traditional, and modern modalities. 

Through her facilitation of different Master Plant Medicines of las Amazonias, Indigenous Divination teachings (the 20-Count medicine wheel of Turtle Island), channeled wisdom, Sacred Sound & Light Code Transmissions, breathwork guidance, and Integration coaching and mentorship; Celeste assists others in their continued journey of Self Realization, embodiment and coming into Union within through the dissolve and resolve of dissonance, dis-harmony and dis-ease within a person’s physical, mental, emotional and spirit bodies.  
Ultimately, Celeste assists others in improving the quality of their life through cultivating greater degrees of light, purity, peace, purpose, joy and sovereignty through dissolving that within which is in polarity to it.

Love & Gratitude


even when it hurts...


especially when it hurts"