Uña De Gato for Cellular Cleansing, Regeneration, Health & Vitality
These Plant Allyships have been inspired through my 5 devotional years of studies in Amazonian Curanderismo, through the Sacred and Traditional Practice known as “La Dieta”. La dieta is a very strict and disciplinary practice where one enters into a focused communion with a particular plant. These are practiced in isolation close to nature, working intentionally to heal and learn directly from the Spirit & Consciousness of the Plant.
While both healing and learning are happening, our intentions AND our alignment with our intentions are very important in how the plant shows up for us. This is precisely the Art and Mastery of healing with Plant Consciousness.
During this 10-week Allyship we will be Journeying into the Art, Magic and Mastery of healing with Sacred Earth Medicines.
Through your active participation in this experience, you will not only reap the many physical health benefits that Uña de Gato has to give, you will additionally cultivate a rich foundation for reverenced relating with the Earth, the elements and her children; The Plant Kingdom.
This Allyship is also a wonderful offering in preparation of a Traditional Dieta, as we will be exploring and weaving in different concepts from these traditional ways and preparing the soils of our inner garden to Divinely Commune with Plant Consciousness, however, this protocol will be lighter in nature as it has been modernized for the householder, making it more appropriate for the city dwellers and those of us in daily participation with society.